

Duni has approximately 2,000 employees.

Gender breakdown 2009

On December 31, 2009, Duni had 1,906 employees, equal to 1,854 full-time positions. The geographic and functional breakdown of Duni’s employees is shown below.

Country Blue collar employees White collar staff Total
Sweden 224 184 408
Germany 537 294 831
Poland 275 97 372
The Netherlands 0 52 52
The UK 19 28 47
Others 0 144 144
Totalt 1 055 799 1 854

Average no. of employees

2006 2 185
2007 2 104
2008 2 041
2009 1 953

The blue collar employees work within logistics, manufacturing and maintenance. Most, approximately 82%, of blue collar employees work within manufacturing at the plants in Dals Långed, Skåpafors, Bramsche and Poznan. Approximately 29% of blue collar employees in Germany work within logistics at the international distribution center in Bramsche. All blue collar employees in the UK work within logistics at the distribution center in Speke. Approximately 55% of white collar staff work within sales. The remaining white collar staff work within business support involving accounts, marketing, planning, purchasing and IT, primarily in Sweden, Germany and Poland. Duni's employees belong to different labor unions depending on their position and country of employment. The employees are organized in a European employee council. Duni's relations with the labor unions are in all essential respects positive and Duni considers the personnel turnover for the Group as a whole to be relatively low.

Skills and management development

Skills and management development are prioritized issues at Duni. Each employee shall have a personal development plan prepared by the employee personally in consultation with his/her supervisor. The personal development plan is adopted at the annual individual planning and performance review.

During 2009, a program entitled “High Potentials Program” was carried out for potential future managers at Duni. There were 12 participants and the program will be repeated within a few years. Regular education and training for new managers were also carried out during the year.


Recruitment is a central issue for the Company's future. Duni requires well-qualified and motivated staff to ensure that we reach our goals and operate our business successfully. A qualitative recruitment process and structure contribute to the recruitment of the very best employees.

Equal opportunities

The work climate at Duni is characterized by respect for the equal value of each individual, irrespective of gender, ethnic background, nationality, religion, disability or other differences which are unrelated to good work performance.

Salaries and reward system

Duni applies individual salaries and in several subsidiaries salaries are partially linked to performance, based on a combination of financial targets and other business targets.

Duni has approximately 2,000 employees.

Gender breakdown 2009


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