
Note 40 - Events after the balance sheet date

A new organization was implemented within Duni on April 1, 2012, in order to create a more market-driven and efficient organization with increased focus on growth. The Professional business area has been divided into two organizations with their own profit centers – one for products for the set table (Product Category Table Top) and one for a range of take-away product solutions (Product Category Meal Service). The two product categories will have a common sales force organized under one Director.

A new Group level department with responsibility for development of new markets has been established in order to further strengthen the focus on geographic expansion. External sales of tissue (Tissue business area) will also be handled under this organization.

In the new organizational structure, all product supply operations (paper mills, converting, logistics) are being brought together under a joint area of responsibility - Production & Supply Chain.

The current Retail business area has also changed its name to Consumer in order to better describe the remit of the business area. The business area is retaining its current structure.


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