
How to use Duni's web annual report

You can navigate Duni’s annual report on the Internet in the same way as on ordinary websites. Click on the tabs at the top of the page or to the left in order to access different pages or subject areas. In order to read the texts, scroll using either the web browser or your mouse scroll wheel.

It’s possible to click on diagrams to split them up and make them easier to decipher. Some pictures can be enlarged; there is a link beneath the picture. In the charts, it’s possible to download the information on which the chart is based. Right-click with the mouse and select "Copy data to clipboard."

It’s possible to download a PDF-version of the annual report, both in Swedish and in English.

If you find it difficult to read the text, you can zoom in by keeping the Ctrl-key depressed and clicking on + or -. Alternatively, you can use the mouse scroll wheel if available.

To print to the printer, use the print function of your browser. The charts will not be included but can be printed separately by right clicking and selecting "Print Chart". You can also download the pdf-version and print on your printer.


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