
Unique new tablecovering material

Evolin® - the evolution of linen

At the end of 2011, Duni began the launch of a new, revolutionary tablecovering material – Evolin® – which combines the feel of textile and linen tablecoverings with the advantages of the single-use product. Evolin is aimed at restaurants and catering firms that currently use linen. The product has been developed with the help of some of the leading restaurateurs in Europe and will be rolled out in Europe during 2012, with the support of a number of prominent chefs, such as Pontus Fritihof, Christophe Marguin and Gennaro Cocoza.

Just over 80% of all tablecoverings for restaurant in northern Europe consist of textile and linen. However, many players on the market are seeking alternatives in order to avoid all the work involved in handling textile and linen tablecoverings, combined with other aspects such as high costs, laundering uncertainty, poor flexibility and uneven quality.

Evolin eliminates these disadvantages and, instead, provides advantages such as more time, increased flexibility, less worry, and the fact that tablecoverings are available in the stockroom as and when needed – clean and ready to use and of even quality. Since the appearance and feel of Evolin are otherwise as good as linen, topics such as cost efficiency, flexibility and environmental aspects become fully relevant even for the more conservative section of the restaurant industry.

At the same time, there is a trend against white linen tablecoverings being equated with "fine". Thus, as an alternative to linen, many trendsetters and gourmet restaurants are seeking more innovative materials, such as Evolin.

Significant sums been invested in developing Evolin and the result is an entirely unique patent-pending process and a product which is a hybrid material based on cellulose fibre. Thanks to the new technology, the material is both thicker and softer than previous products and drapes similarly to linen. Evolin is based on renewable materials from responsibly managed forests and is compostable in accordance with European norms (EN 13432).

An environmentally responsible alternative:

  • FSC certified fibres and ISO14001 certified production units
  • Compostable in accordance with European norms (EN 13432)
  • Low carbon footprint as production uses 50% less fossil fuel than the European average
  • Based on renewable materials.


Evolin® is an entirely unique, new hybrid material that combines the feel of textile and linen tablecoverings with the advantages of the single-use product. The product is now being launched in Europe. Read more on


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